by quadrillion / on 7 January, 2023
Why it is important to scan your website regularly for Malware
Malware, short for malicious software, is any software specifically designed to harm or exploit a computer system. This can include viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, and other types of harmful software. When it comes to websites, malware can be dangerous because it can infect the
by quadrillion / on 6 January, 2023
Why you need a Cyber Security Plan for your small business
As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. From managing finances to serving customers, it can be easy to overlook the importance of cybersecurity. However, in today’s digital age, it is more important than ever to protect your business from
by quadrillion / on 29 August, 2022
Should small businesses worry about cybersecurity?
Should small businesses worry about cybersecurity? As a business owner, you will ask yourself this and other questions about the threats facing your SMB. In this article, we make a high-level overview of cybersecurity in the context of small businesses. Do small businesses need
by quadrillion / on 9 June, 2022
Quadrillion Tech Solutions LLC Launches Reasonable Accommodation Tracking Platform.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEQuadrillion Tech Solutions LLCJohn Williamsjwilliams@quadrilliontech.comJune 9, 2022 Boston, MA – Quadrillion Tech Solutions LLC, an information technology company in Massachusetts, has launched its Reasonable Accommodation Tracking Platform (SaaS application). This platform will serve as a central hub for monitoring the Reasonable Accommodation
by quadrillion / on 5 May, 2021
Why the Lack of Privacy on the Social Media Platforms Should Concern you.
What’s your typical day like? You could have an active lifestyle that requires you to be on your feet- or you might have an office job. Whatever your day looks like, there’s a high probability that you tend to check your social media accounts a few
by quadrillion / on 1 May, 2021
QTS – The Future of Virtual Events
The Year We Went Remote In 2020, as COVID-19 restrictions were put into place across the globe, businesses were forced to pivot in new directions. Just a few years ago, teleconferencing and working from home were the exception, and now — for many —